real estate

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what we're about


Do you need to know the value of your property in today’s market? Give us a call to find what you largest asset is worth.

The Property ConneXion uses a Comparative Market Analysis to provide you with a risk free, no-obligation valuation. Including the following:
Comparable listings in your area including listing price.
Comparable recent sales in your area including selling price.


Our role is not just to sell your property, but to deliver a premium price. Our unique marketing methods and negotiating experience ensure this. We want our service to be so superlative, that the closing of a deal is the opening of a lifelong relationship with you.

We pride ourselves on our ability to match the correct buyers with the correct properties due to LISTENING to their NEEDS, giving them the correct ADVICE and treating them as PEOPLE.

As we say “We are in the People Business” but we sell houses.


The Property ConneXion advises property developers on the supply and demand in the various suburbs and has the knowledge and expertise to be able to guide the developer, buyer and investor about the market landscape and situation. We also help real estate owners source developers and investors for the properties that they own.


At The Property Connexion we offer our expertise and personalised techniques of managing your property. Our management concept is founded on professionalism, integrity, accountability, and quality service that guarantees the maximum return from your investment, while maintaining your property at the highest standards to attract the best tenants possible.

about us

As our name suggests, it’s about the eXtra little things that we provide our Clients and Agents, to make a difference, every time you deal with us. For us it’s all about Our People, whether you’re an Agent needing that unique eXtra support, a Seller needing that eXtra service and price for your property or a buyer looking for something eXtra in a new home. At The Property ConneXion we go the eXtra mile to care for you. We are in the PEOPLE BUSINESS but we sell property.

Meet our property professionals

des palmer


082 592 1817

Terry-lee Palmer

Property Professional

082 453 6607

Sharon Dismore

Property Professional

072 925 0854

Ryan Palmer

Property Professional

Tamara Mngqibisa

Property Professional

All our properties can be viewed on Property 24

get the connexion today!

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